Unidade Educacional: Colégio Estadual Princesa Izabel
Diretor: Wattson Mamedes de Souza
Professoras: Flausa Maria Rosa 6° ano A.
Aluno (a): ______________________________________ Série: 8° A
Taquaral de Goiás, 24 de agosto de 2021.
1. Observe a imagem e resolva a questão:
The boy is
a) saying her name.
b) asking for information.
c) spelling a word.
d) giving an opinion.
2. Observe a imagem e complete a resposta:
He is __________________
a) boring.
b) great.
c) awful.
d) terrible.
3. The adjective that completes the boy's opinion i
a) horrible.
b) fantastic.
c) great.
d) cool.
4. Observe a imagem e complete a resposta de acordo com ela:
According to the picture, the TV program
is _______________.
a) excellent.
b) boring.
c) awesome.
d) great.
5. The adjective that completes the man’s opinion is
a) boring.
b) horrible.
c) terrible.
d) funny.