Unidade Educacional: Colégio Estadual Princesa Izabel
Diretor: Wattson Mamedes de Souza
Professoras: Luciene Aparecida Silvestre Série: 8ª Ano B
Flausa Maria Rosa Série: 8ª Ano A
Aluno (a):___________________________________________________
Taquaral de Goiás, 11 de Fevereiro de 2021
Data da entrega: Ainda hoje 11/02/2021 até as 22:30 horas da noite.
Atividades de Língua Inglesa referente ao 1ª Bimestre de 2021
1. Preencha o cabeçalho.
2. Dê respostas completas a todas as questões. Faça letra legível.
3. Leia as questões com atenção antes de respondê-las;
1.Reescreva o texto abaixo substituindo os verbos grifados pelo passado. Também substitua a expressão every day por yesterday. Obs: (Letra legível) arrived,worked, returned, helped, talked, watched.
Kevin arrives in his office at seven o´clock every day. He works from seven o´clock a.m. to four o´clock p.m. and then he returns home. He helps his wife in the kitchen and after dinner they talk and watch TV programs.
2 .Complete as sentenças com o ”Simple Past Tense” dos verbos regulares, em seguida, assinale na alternativa correta.
I ________my friend yesterday. ( to visit)
a.( ) visited b.( ) visitied
They_________a new restaurant last week. ( to open)
a.( ) opened b.( ) oppened
The little boy_________your question. ( to answer)
a.( ) answered b.( ) answerred
Jonas________very well yesterday. ( to dance).
a.( ) danced b.( ) danceed
The children___________the new recreation center last week.(to visit)
a.( )visited b.( ) visitied
You_________computer games yesterday. ( to play)
a.( ) played b.( ) plaied
We________the new coffee shop.( to love)
a.( )loved b.( ) loveed
My father ____________Canada at university. ( to study)
a.( )studyed b.( ) studied
3. Pesquise os nomes dos animais em inglês e responda a cruzadinha: